
  1. Results from previous task.
  2. Run the IR receiver test code. You have to get the correct IR feedback log in order to understand the remote.
  3. The main task is to control the Boe-Bot with the remote control so it will go forward, backward, left and right. Use the IR receive and movement code.
    1. If you’re quick program the robot to toggle a LED using only MUTE button (pushing once LED on, pushing again LED off).
    2. If there’s still time left think how to program one robot to send IR commands to others – implement if possible
  4. Show your completed task to the lecturer.
  5. Answer the form questions and submit answers. Not submitting answers means you didn’t participate in the class.
  6. Save your codes and share them with teammates.
  7. Give feedback about the lesson, lecturer, equipment etc.
  8. Return stuff (robot, cable, dongle), logout, restore order in your workplace.

Final solution

Video on Youtube environment.