
  1. Results from previous lesson.
  2. All codes are present in the BotCommander folder under Lab2.
  3. Watch through the solution video and understand the task.
  4. Test the QTI sensor with QTI sensor code using file qti.c.
  5. The first task is to program the Boe-bot to move along the black line. Use the line.c code.
  6. Test the top infrared (IR) sensor. To do that run the top_ir.c code.
  7. The second task is to avoid obstacle on the track. Use the line following with IR sensor,  line_ir.c code. Simulate the obstacle with hand.
  8. If you’re quick program the left LED to detect track and the right LED to detect hand.
  9. Show your completed task to the lecturer.
  10. Answer the form questions and submit the answers. Not submitting answers means you didn’t participate in the class.
  11. Save your codes for future use and report. Share them with teammates.
  12. Give feedback about the lesson, lecturer, equipment etc.
  13. Return stuff (robot, cable, dongle), logout, restore order in your workplace.

Final solution

Video on Youtube environment.